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Autor Poruka
PostPostano: 21 ožu 2019 12:38 
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Pridružen: 28 lis 2010 09:51
Postovi: 55
Lokacija: Garešnica
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Može li duša u Raju osjećati žalost i tugu prema svojim najmilijima koji se nisu spasili?

PostPostano: 22 ožu 2019 19:55 
Korisnik s preko 1000 postova
Korisnik s preko 1000 postova

Pridružen: 10 lip 2008 20:55
Postovi: 3438
Lokacija: Santa Fe (New Mexico)
Podijelio: 0 zahvala
Zahvaljeno je: 72 zahvala
Rapidus napisao:
Može li duša u Raju osjećati žalost i tugu prema svojim najmilijima koji se nisu spasili?


PostPostano: 25 ožu 2019 08:18 
Registrirani korisnik
Registrirani korisnik

Pridružen: 28 lis 2010 09:51
Postovi: 55
Lokacija: Garešnica
Podijelio: 0 zahvala
Zahvaljeno je: 0 zahvala
Kako ispravno tumačiti onda, npr. Lk 15,7 "Kažem vam, tako će na nebu biti veća radost zbog jednog obraćena grešnika nego li zbog devedeset i devet pravednika kojima ne treba obraćenja"
Lk 15,10 "Tako, kažem vam, biva radost pred anđelima Božjim zbog jednog obraćena grešnika."

U svom tumačenju ovog Evanđelja, jedan svećenik između ostalog napisa "Nebo plače zbog izgubljena, a raduje se zbog obraćena grješnika."

Zbog ovakvih i sl. tekstova sam postavio pitanje.

PostPostano: 25 ožu 2019 17:51 
Korisnik s preko 1000 postova
Korisnik s preko 1000 postova

Pridružen: 10 lip 2008 20:55
Postovi: 3438
Lokacija: Santa Fe (New Mexico)
Podijelio: 0 zahvala
Zahvaljeno je: 72 zahvala
Rapidus napisao:
Kako ispravno tumačiti onda, npr. Lk 15,7 "Kažem vam, tako će na nebu biti veća radost zbog jednog obraćena grešnika nego li zbog devedeset i devet pravednika kojima ne treba obraćenja"
Lk 15,10 "Tako, kažem vam, biva radost pred anđelima Božjim zbog jednog obraćena grešnika."

U svom tumačenju ovog Evanđelja, jedan svećenik između ostalog napisa "Nebo plače zbog izgubljena, a raduje se zbog obraćena grješnika."

Zbog ovakvih i sl. tekstova sam postavio pitanje.

Whether the blessed pity the unhappiness of the damned?

I answer that, Mercy or compassion may be in a person in two ways: first by way of passion, secondly by way of choice. In the blessed there will be no passion in the lower powers except as a result of the reason's choice. Hence compassion or mercy will not be in them, except by the choice of reason. Now mercy or compassion comes of the reason's choice when a person wishes another's evil to be dispelled: wherefore in those things which, in accordance with reason, we do not wish to be dispelled, we have no such compassion. But so long as sinners are in this world they are in such a state that without prejudice to the Divine justice they can be taken away from a state of unhappiness and sin to a state of happiness. Consequently it is possible to have compassion on them both by the choice of the will—in which sense God, the angels and the blessed are said to pity them by desiring their salvation—and by passion, in which way they are pitied by the good men who are in the state of wayfarers. But in the future state it will be impossible for them to be taken away from their unhappiness: and consequently it will not be possible to pity their sufferings according to right reason. Therefore the blessed in glory will have no pity on the damned. Sv. Toma Akvinski "Summa Theologiae"

Whether the blessed rejoice in the punishment of the wicked?

I answer that, A thing may be a matter of rejoicing in two ways. First directly, when one rejoices in a thing as such: and thus the saints will not rejoice in the punishment of the wicked. Secondly, indirectly, by reason namely of something annexed to it: and in this way the saints will rejoice in the punishment of the wicked, by considering therein the order of Divine justice and their own deliverance, which will fill them with joy. And thus the Divine justice and their own deliverance will be the direct cause of the joy of the blessed: while the punishment of the damned will cause it indirectly. Sv. Toma Akvinski "Summa Theologiae"

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